Friday, December 18, 2009

The Start of Winter Break

Yesterday was pretty much the start of my winter break and what's a better way to start it off then with an unhealthy dose of food?

This is the making of the Pizza Bacon Hamburger.
Even though it's just Yushi in these pictures there were others who came to just eat.

Winter Break

The ingredients.

Winter Break

The meat tube. Man meat is expensive D:

Winter Break

Forming the patty.

Winter Break

Cooking the bacon.
I burned the first batch :p

Winter Break

A fire broke out in the oven. Actually there was a fire in the oven during most of this. At one point nothing but black smoke was coming out.

Winter Break

The really cheap pizzas. Originally we had two personal sized pizza's but we quickly discovered there was more meat than we thought.

Winter Break

Adding the flavoring, bacon and cheese to the patty.

Winter Break

Yushi cutting our dinner.
At this point it was like 2 something in the morning.

Winter Break

All cut.

Winter Break

The inside.

Winter Break

Finished project.

Winter Break

This thing was so big that it could hardly even fit in our mouths. That's what she said.

The meat took over two hours to cook. The fire kept setting us back haha. In the end though it was great and i think we'd have to do it again and perhaps switch some things up and make it even better.

Here's to the rest of Winter Break 09!

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